Requesting an Absentee Ballot and Checking your Absentee Ballot Request Status

Requesting an Absentee Ballot and Checking your Absentee Ballot Request Status

Some people have asked how they can apply for an absentee ballot or check on their absentee ballot status. Here is the easiest way I know of.

You can request a absentee ballot by clicking on this link:

or searching on “My Voter Page”. This takes you to this page:

Fill in the MVP login section on the right and click “Submit”. This will take you to the following page. The text items that are colored blue-grey are actually buttons you can click. For example, if you want to apply for an absentee ballot, you can click on the words “Click here for an absentee ballot application” in the lower left part of the screen. If you have had an absentee ballot during this election cycle, you can check whether you will receive on for the run-off by clicking on “Click here for Absentee Ballot status”.

Once you select the absent Ballot Status button, you will see a window like this one:

There may be more information in this window that you can only see by scrolling down using the grey scroll bar on the right side to see the information below. These windows show that I had an absentee ballot for the general election (11/03/2020) and they have received a request for absentee ballots for both the State Runoff (12/01/2020) and the Federal Runoff (01/03/2020) elections. (You may have had an automatic request entered for you if you already had an absentee ballot for the November general election.)

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